Blogging and Responsive Web Design: Make the Connection

September 9, 2014 by: 0


Although it started as a form of online journaling, blogging has become an incredibly effective medium for businesses to communicate with prospective clients and build their base of loyal customers.

Much of the conversation surrounding how to optimize a company blog has centered on the form and content of blog posts, however. While this aspect is certainly important and valuable, other Internet marketing strategies can be appropriated to increase your blog’s visibility and conversion.

One is to make sure your blog conforms to the basic principles that have made responsive web design the buzz topic of the year in 2014. Here are four strategies to focus your energy on.

  1. Aesthetic appeal

As many web design experts know, making a website visually engaging is an incredibly effective way to catch the attention of your target market. This same principle holds true for the blogs, which means that yours should feature colors, backgrounds, text, fonts, and images that draw in prospective clients.

In most cases, adopting a “branding” mentality is a smart way to accomplish this objective. By using images and words in an artistic, appealing way, you can make the viewer comfortable with your blog. Over time, he or she will come to feel like part of your company’s family.

  1. Questions

One of the strategies that responsive web design experts use for the purpose of engaging prospective clients is to ask questions. People love to feel as if their opinions are valued, and that’s why asking questions is useful for bloggers who want to increase their visibility online.

Questions can be offered in the form of questionnaires that you periodically publish, or you can simply add a meaningful question near the end of any particular blog post. You can ask your readers to post their responses in the comments section below.

As explained by organizations such as Altibase, customer relationship management is a vital marketing function in online promotion, and asking questions is a great way to stay in tune with their needs and desires.

  1. Functionality

Making your blog functional is a great way to attract more people to it. As many Internet marketing experts know, most people are not going to want to spend extensive amounts of time on a blog that they can’t navigated easily.

This being the case, you should do all you can to make your blog functional. This may include anything from using graphic design elements that aren’t distracting to ensuring that links that lead away from your page also encourage the viewer to stay on your main page.

Another key to making your blog functional is optimizing it for mobile users. Many Internet marketing experts have noted that mobile devices are taking over web surfing, and this means that individuals who access your blog via electronic devices need to be able to do so easily.

If you’re serious about increasing the stature of your blog in the Internet marketplace, you should realize that the same principles which hold true in the arena of responsive web design will be of excellent benefit to you as a blogger.

Once you act on those principles, you may experience an exponential increase in page views and conversion rates.

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