• If you have a passion for writing, blogging is a fantastic way to make extra cash, and it can even become a full-time job. Many of..
  • IT is an important aspect for the success of even the smallest of businesses, due to the many features and benefits it has over businesses that..
  • As blogging continues to rise in popularity, more and more people want to give it a try. Some people are making millions a year off their..
  • Last year, Motorola’s interview with TechRadar has mentioned that the Nexus 6 was too great, when the smartphone was ready, but Google wanted a smartphone with..

Blogging and “How To” Articles Can Build Your Online Presence

POSTED BY   /  4 July, 2014   

If you’re promoting a product or service, or you’re interested in providing useful information about a topic, it’s beneficial to get to the point, leave out unnecessary jargon, and provide your readers exactly what they’re searching for. Articles that are..
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Tips for Effective Blogging

POSTED BY   /  24 June, 2014   

Blogging originated in the 1990s and served as a means for college students and journalists to share personal diaries and daily happenings with others on the Internet. The practice has since evolved into personalized websites that feature just about any..
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Must Have Mobile Apps for Bloggers on the Go

POSTED BY   /  20 June, 2014   

Blogging is a hobby taken on by many, but if you are serious about your blog, you probably blog on the go. Traveling and blogging often go hand in hand. In fact, blogging is a great platform for those who..
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Blogging for Health Care Professionals: Four Top Ideas

POSTED BY   /  19 June, 2014   

Those working in the health-care industry are always looking to learn more. They work to increase their knowledge base so that they can get better at what they do. After all, this industry is like no other because there is..
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4 Ways to Get Away from Your Keyboard and Promote Your Blog

POSTED BY   /  8 June, 2014   

The typical bloggers can be constantly connected to a smartphone, tablet, and computer, in the search for article angles and leads. When it comes to promoting our blogs, we often rely on link exposure, getting our blog mentioned in bylines,..
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4 Ways to Revamp Your Home Office Space

POSTED BY   /  6 June, 2014   

Most bloggers work from home, which can be a blessing and a curse. While many people who don’t blog might regard being able to work from a home office as a dream, it can quickly become a burden due to..
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How Bloggers Can Protect Themselves from Litigation

POSTED BY   /  5 June, 2014   

While blogging might seem like a carefree pastime, it’s actually riddled with potential legal pitfalls. People who write blogs face issues similar to the ones that face traditional print and broadcast journalists. The difference is that most bloggers don’t have..
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How to Sustain Your Blogging Career with Passive Income Streams

POSTED BY   /  4 June, 2014   

Maintaining a blog can often be grueling work. You’re in charge of content schedules and keyword strategies, as well as actually writing the blog articles. In other words, you’re probably juggling multiple responsibilities at once, perhaps even including a day..
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Passion + Blogging Equals a Following

POSTED BY   /  3 June, 2014   

There are three types of bloggers: Those who do it for the money, those who do it for the passion, and those who enjoy both aspects. Following your passion when it comes to blogging is the best way to find..
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Tech Startups Lead Dublin Recovery

POSTED BY   /  28 May, 2014   

  It wasn’t banking but technology startups that led the economic recovery in Dublin, Ireland. There was a time when the city was a veritable Wall Street, filled with bankers as well as real estate tycoons who were the driving..
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