Practice Self-Help Therapy Through Blogging       

June 7, 2015 by: 7


Everyone goes through tough times, but some are tougher than others. Anyone who has ever battled with addiction or serious mental illness knows the feeling of being out of control and isolated.

Many people in that situation have found that writing helps, and from there it’s just a short jump to blogging. It’s a great platform for self-help, and you can build a community of support behind you as people begin to trust your honesty and are able to relate to their own experiences, either personally of from people they have known in the past.

Get Professional Treatment If You Need It            

Do note though, that writing is not that same as professional treatment. Dangerous addictions need professional help, so if you or someone you know has this need, sign up to go to a rehab clinic as soon as possible. You can write in your blog from there, or after there, but don’t use words as replacement for specialized techniques, especially if there’s a physical addiction involved, or something habitual to the point where there is no control any more. There’s no shame in getting help for real trouble, and staff at professional treatment facilities will immediately get you on the path to recovery.

Use Your Words To Connect                

That said, blogging is a fantastic way to connect with people. When loneliness or disconnection is a symptom of addiction, simply writing down thoughts and feelings is one way to move past the danger and the depression. Noting anxieties and not letting them control you is a central aspect of recovery, and when you take the time to write, you’re freeing yourself from potentially dangerous thoughts and actions. You’ll probably even be able to look back at your writing in the future and remember how much it helped to have them down on paper or in a blog post somewhere.

Find Inspiration In Recovery Stories                 

If you’re not sure how to format your self-help blog, look at other people who have done them in the past. Look for successful recovery stories. Are they written chronological or in order of importance? Deciding how you want to present yourself is going to be a big part of how your blog comes across, so it’s a big decision to make during your writing process.

Don’t Worry About the Numbers        

One thing a self-help blog should not be is a cry for attention. You shouldn’t be looking to get more subscribers, more hits, or more traffic. Your pain is not a business. It’s a way to connect. If not getting readers is giving you anxiety or pain, then blogging is not the way to go. Just be aware of your own mental habits, and you’ll find the path that makes the most sense.

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    7 Comments on "Practice Self-Help Therapy Through Blogging       "

  1. Munyole says:

    I love blogging because it offers me a natural form of relaxation. It makes me to open up, think and share my thoughts out to the world

  2. Also, do any of you find that talk therapy with your friends or in the way of blogging online has proved to be more successful for you then a Talk Therapist?

  3. Thanks admin. You know I am interested in knowing how well talk therapy has worked for different individuals.

  4. Alice says:

    Well, after reading this article. I think that this therapy is also going to help for me. 🙂 I would love to know more about this.

  5. Unlockninja says:

    Is it proved that talk therapy has worked ? If it is so it will be nice.

  6. Sudeshna says:

    Is it proved that talk therapy has worked ? If it is so, it will be a great achievement. Thanks for this article . I am very curious to know the details.

  7. bizzrisea431 says:

    I am interested in knowing how well talk therapy has worked for different individuals. Also, do any of you find that talk therapy with your friends or in the way of blogging online has proved to be more successful for you then a Talk Therapist?

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