3 Tips for Making More Money With Your Blog

August 2, 2016 by: 10

money blog

For many people, the reason they began blogging wasn’t initially to make money. However, many discover that their love of blogging and the digital space quickly becomes a passion that they’d like to devote the majority of their time to. While this is all well and good, merely writing content and posting it on the Internet won’t actually make you enough money to live off of most of the time. You’ve got to go the extra mile if you want to actually generate a decent amount of income from your blog. So to help you reach this goal, here are three tips that will help you get more money from your blogging efforts.

Be Wary of Selling Ad Space

One of the first ways the many bloggers think to start generating money from their blog is to sell ad space to certain advertisers. While this is always an option, Jon Morrow, a contributor to SmartBlogger.com, states that this isn’t the best option. In fact, once you’ve developed a solid following to your blog, Morrow shares that selling ad space to your highest bidder actually isn’t a smart business move at all. Instead, Morrow suggests either selling your own products or services or getting money from endorsing other’s products or services. By removing these types of ads from your blog, you will have much more control over how your page is presented to your audience and your specific brand image.

Create Multiple Income Streams

Just like with other investments, you’re going to want to diversify the way you create income opportunities with your blog. Having one main money making idea is fine, but it’s always a smart idea to give yourself as many chances as possible to increase your bottom line. Problogger.net shares that not only does this make it so you don’t have all your eggs in one basket, but it also minimizes the risk of your blog if one of your income streams fails for a time. And if you’re worried that adding more income streams might be too much work, it’s actually easier to add additional ways to make money from your blog than you might realize.

Run A Membership-Based Blog

One of the income streams you might want to consider developing with your blog is created membership-based content or services. Jessica Knapp, a contributor to BloggingBasics101.com, writes that offering certain areas of your website for a membership fee—like discussion boards, podcasts or forums—can not only increase the amount of money you can make from your blog, but it will also increase your likelihood of creating valuable content that your audience finds worth the price of membership.

By thinking creatively about how you can monetize certain aspects of your website, you’ll find that you can begin seeing increases in the amount of money you’re able to take home from your blogging efforts. Use the tips mentioned above to help you get there.

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    10 Comments on "3 Tips for Making More Money With Your Blog"

  1. Ali Hossain says:

    Hello there,
    Helpful post for making money from blog. The points like selling ads, create multiple income stream, membership based blog was very effective for me.

    Thank You.

  2. This tips are really amazing, Nice tips for making money, i want to share your blog, Thank you so much for sharing this article.

  3. okcupid2 says:

    This tips are really great specially who are new and
    thinking for earning money.. i want to share your blog

  4. Digiteratech says:

    Nice tips for earning money from own blog page….

  5. Md Abdullah says:

    Good Information. Thanks for sharing

  6. medico mart says:

    thanks to share this post, i am really using a 3 tips so very usefully information to share it….thanks to again…..

  7. muzammal says:

    This tips are really great specially who are new and
    thinking for earning money..

  8. Great read, I’m realizing I should consider the membership part of the outfit. Ad-space I don’t sell, because I promote affiliate products and in 2017 there will be the addition of my own products. When you want to actually make money with your blog, that will depend on content and product knowledge.

  9. Sanjeet Veen says:

    I have few blogs on travel and social service related. i will try this tips and improve my blogs traffic.

  10. manoj says:

    going to try thees tips, thanks for sharing it.

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