3 Ways to Attract Readers to Your Blog

April 30, 2013 by: 1

Keeping up with a website can be hard work. While the internet is a perfect outlet for creativity and source of inspiration and advice, producing content for the web is often harder than people realize. Having a website requires time and patience. It’s more than writing articles and posting pictures, building a website involves designing it, creating content, AND drawing in readers.

Here are the basics that any website owner should think about when they’re staring a site and as they continue to maintain it:

1. Create Good Content: This seems like a no-brainer, but in order for people to go to a website, there has to be something worth going there for. Having high quality content is one thing, but producing great stuff on a regular basis is what really brings people to a website and keeps them there. If a website is posting interesting content everyday, they might consider setting up an automatic newsletter. That way readers can subscribe to the website’s content and they won’t miss anything if they forget to check the actual site.

Having a blog section on a website is a smart way to create regular content. Blog posts can be current and don’t need to have a lot of return value. Blogs keep readers up to date, but there is less pressure for the contents to be relevant years or months into the future.

2. SEO: The most common way for a reader to find a site is through a search engine like Google or Bing. However, unless a website has good SEO, it isn’t going to show up on the first pages of the search. To fix this, posts should be labeled and categorized with the proper keywords that are likely to be searched for by readers. Sites like WordPress have easy SEO tools built in.

3. Social Media: Finally, social media tools are an excellent way to bring in readers. Keeping up with a site like Twitter or Facebook takes some time, but if used correctly it’s like free advertising for a website.

A social media account for a website or business should stay pretty professional, but still interact with followers. An active account, one that answers comments and tweets and encourages people to join the conversation, is going to be much more effective than one that is just links to the site.

It’s OK to post links to the latest blog post or video on the site, but it’s also a good idea to include relevant content that’s not related to the site, like current news in that particular industry or share the work of some peers.

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    1 Comments on "3 Ways to Attract Readers to Your Blog"

  1. Denzil says:

    Good article. Getting SEO is something of an art. It has to be learnt and mastered. Something I must look into for my blogs success.

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