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5 Important Tips for Setting Up a Family Blog

POSTED BY   /  28 January, 2021  

If you have a passion for writing, blogging is a fantastic way to make extra cash, and it can even become a full-time job. Many of us have dreams of starting a family, and if you have already been through the ups and downs of family life, why not share your experiences with the world […]..
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How IT Can Save Your Business Money

POSTED BY   /  29 June, 2020  

IT is an important aspect for the success of even the smallest of businesses, due to the many features and benefits it has over businesses that don’t use it. It can make communication easier, allow you to store information safely, and give you the tools to expand your company. Despite this, there is one overlooked […]..
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How To Make Money Off Blogging

POSTED BY   /  12 February, 2020  

How To Make Money Off Blogging As blogging continues to rise in popularity, more and more people want to give it a try. Some people are making millions a year off their wildly successful blogs. It’s natural to wonder how you can get in on the action too. However, it doesn’t make much sense to start wondering how to make money […]..
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Google Pixel 2 News and Rumors

POSTED BY   /  10 June, 2017  

Last year, Motorola’s interview with TechRadar has mentioned that the Nexus 6 was too great, when the smartphone was ready, but Google wanted a smartphone with a large screen, so that the company released it to Nexus project. We expect that a similar situation waiting for us in 2017, the Google again wants a great […]..
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Samsung Galaxy S9 to extend the use of NFC in smartphone

POSTED BY   /  22 March, 2017  

With the launch of S8, recently Samsung has cleared, that for future phones like Galaxy S9 specs, there would be more scope of new Advancements like NFC chips. The Galaxy S8 phone has NFC technology; it can be used with a variety of additional applications. Beam S is one of the technologies of Samsung, which […]..
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A brighter display with the iPhone 9 and exceptional stereo speaker

POSTED BY   /  21 March, 2017  

The display of new iPhone has become a 25% brighter, has a wide range of colors and, of course, 3D Touch. But all the same audio jack removed: EarPods headphones are now connected by Lightning. There are, of course, and adapter included for those who do not want to sell your own headphones with 3.5mm […]..
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How to Figure Out If You’re a Workaholic – by Wrike project management software

POSTED BY   /  31 January, 2017  

How to Figure Out If You’re a Workaholic Infographic brought to you by Wrike Project Team Management Software Enjoyed this infographic? Here are some more reads on Portfolio Management App, Collaborative Management and Digital Project Manager Responsibilities...
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Three Ways To Use Your Blog For The Greater Good

POSTED BY   /  22 November, 2016  

helpful blogging What are you posting on your blog on a regular basis? That probably depends a lot on what your blog is about, what your life is like, or even what your business is about. No matter, whether it’s a business or a personal one, what type of blog you have there are ways you can […]..
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Tips For Getting Traffic To Your Blog

POSTED BY   /  14 November, 2016  

It’s easy to start a blog, but getting your blog’s popularity up and keeping people returning for more is a skill. By making sure you have the proper knowledge of how to maximize your visibility by equipping yourself with the proper tools, you can turn your blog into a high traffic success in no time. […]..
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3 Ways to Get More Organized With Your Blog

POSTED BY   /  19 September, 2016  

Most people who create blogs, whether it’s for personal or business use, do so in order to share their thoughts and ideas with the world. However, those with this flair for the creative aren’t typically known for being particularly organized or methodical. If you do have both the skill of organization and the talent for […]..
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