3 Tips to Help You Prepare for And Ace Any Job Interview

November 25, 2013 by: 0

Landing an interview for a job you really want is a big deal. While you might feel excited and even a bit nervous, it’s imperative that you take control of your emotions and spend some time thinking about how you are going to handle your interview.

Here are three basic tips to help you get ready to ace that interview.

1. Choose the right wardrobe

What you wear to any job interview is of the utmost importance. Your potential new employer is going to form a first impression of you based on what you wear. If your clothing isn’t professional and appropriate, that impression won’t be favorable.

While you’re not being hired for a job based on your fashion ability, you are being judged on it. When prospective employers’ first impression of you isn’t favorable, you’re less likely to hear from them again regarding your interview.

2. Educate yourself

Learn all you can about the company where you’re interviewing. You don’t know what your interviewer might ask and you don’t want to be unprepared. Additionally, it’s always a favorable trait to mention something about the business or company to show your knowledge.

Employers appreciate a candidate who’s willing to take the time to research the company and learn all there is to know. It shows enthusiasm and excitement, and it’s a mark in your favor after your interview is complete.

3. Prepare for a second interview

The only thing more important than getting ready for your first interview is preparing for your second interview. A second interview occurs when you have impressed your potential employer so much they want to speak with you a second time.

During this interview, you’re likely to be asked questions that are even more personal and challenging than those in your first interview. So you’ll want to spend more time preparing. Research what the company does and think about how you can offer something they might not find elsewhere.

One of the most important tips you can take with you to any job interview is the power of a good solid handshake and eye contact. Both can make or break your interview.

A weak handshake is often viewed as a sign of a weak personality and someone who isn’t powerful or commanding in presence. Not making eye contact with your interviewers is considered shy and unprofessional.

Even if you have to practice your interview skills with friends and family to master this, do it. It can only help.

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