How To Use Blogging To Promote Your Art

July 11, 2015 by: 1

Promoting your art in this day and age has almost endless boundaries.  Because of that, the market is highly competitive.  It’s hard to be an artist. Blogging is simply another tool you can manipulate to your benefit with the right knowledge and training.  Don’t be another starving artist, work hard and get your creations out there!  Here are a few tips to promoting your craft through the use of blogging.

What works for other artists?

This is not to say copy what other people do.  This is to say study the methods in which they made the most progress in their journey, and figure out a way to use that knowledge to your advantage.  Creative people will produce a wide array of ideas to communicate your art to the rest of the world. Surf around, and take notes.  Not only can you pick out useful methods, you can weed through some of the less useful promotional ideas.  You might be able to save yourself some valuable time.

Keep your blog clean cut.

Please refrain from posting your life story in a blog.  It may be very interesting and action packed, but the general public doesn’t need to know these things to find an appealing piece of artwork to purchase.  Matter of fact, creating a blog that is too descriptive and wordy will cause people to lose interest and search somewhere else for what they are looking for.  Keep it simple and business oriented.  You should actually keep your blogging time like you would keep your work hours.  The more time and effort you put into a blog, the more it will benefit you in the future.

Don’t lose sight of marketing.

You’re not going to find success if you simply post your blog and hope that the audience will appear out of thin air.  You have to apply some sort of marketing effort.  People have to know about your blog or desire your product before they will find your artwork useful.  You can start getting the word out there about your own blog by posting on fellow bloggers comments and posts.   This will put your name and your craft out to a new and focused audience.  You could also contribute to some sort of e-magazine to get yourself out there.  Also, be specific in your descriptions.  People love to know the source of their purchases.  If the piece was handcrafted or mechanically cut with a plasma laser – whatever the method, make as much information available as possible for each piece.

Refrain from begging.

Remember that people connect with people, so don’t be too cold and impersonal in your blog.  On the other hand, please refrain from begging people to buy your work.  It’s not cute.  Don’t try and use your experiences as a “sob story” either.  The general public is very aware of this tactic, and most people don’t fall for it.  Keep it honest, but positive.

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    1 Comments on "How To Use Blogging To Promote Your Art"

  1. Charles Been says:

    Thanks for sharing the useful steps.. I have lots of blogs now i will definitely follow your steps to increase the engagements..

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