Archive for Blogging
3 Basic Strategies to Help You Expand the Success of Your Blog
POSTED BY Jennifer Gretson / 20 December, 2013 Millions of people have a creative voice and a knack for writing, but there aren’t nearly as many with the skills to blog successfully over time. However, many writers assume they can start a blog and become rich and famous two or three posts in. As any professional blogger knows, that’s wishful thinking. Blogging to […]..
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Psychology Blogs Gain Popularity in All Areas of Research
POSTED BY Jennifer Gretson / 1 December, 2013 Why do so many regard “shrinks” as a fascinating breed? So much so that professionals from all walks of life have often considered a career change into the field of psychology, at one time or another. Why? Well, for one thing, it’s “the fastest-growing major subject,” according to Dr. Charlie Ball, labor-market analyst at Graduate […]..
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Starting a blog in hopes of making it a popular Internet hangout with thousands of followers is what most bloggers dream of. However, the process is not exactly as simple as creating a blog, uploading your first post, and waiting for the masses to show up. You have to know how to market your blog […]..
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3 Tips to Help You Prepare for And Ace Any Job Interview
POSTED BY Jennifer Gretson / 25 November, 2013 Landing an interview for a job you really want is a big deal. While you might feel excited and even a bit nervous, it’s imperative that you take control of your emotions and spend some time thinking about how you are going to handle your interview. Here are three basic tips to help you get […]..
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It’s hard to believe that, not long ago, the only people who used the Internet were a relatively small handful of academics. Today, the web is for everyone; no matter what community you’re trying to reach, you know they’re online somewhere. So the question isn’t finding the community you’re targeting, it’s reaching them in an […]..
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10 Rockstar Content Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Businesses
POSTED BY Jennifer Gretson / 5 November, 2013 As the Internet becomes more crowded and noisy and confusing to the average customer, content marketing is absolutely the way to reach him or her. If you’re in real estate, how do you develop an edge in your content marketing? We’re glad you asked! To answer your needs, here are ten rockstar content marketing methods […]..
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I quit blogging on a regular basis more than a year ago, and you know what, my blogs still make money day in and day out. In fact, this is the first actual blog post that I have written in months. If you’re a blogger, then you probably well know that life can get hectic […]..
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Want to Beat the Writing Competition? There Are 6 Rules to the Game!
POSTED BY Jennifer Gretson / 13 September, 2013 Becoming a blogger is a dream for many writers. This position opens the door for many other jobs in freelancing. As an article writer you gain experience with content, grammar, and sentence structure — and this may seem daunting in itself. Becoming a blogger, on the other hand, takes a different set of skills. If […]..
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Blogging might sound easy, but it can be more challenging than you think — especially if you want to make money at it. Don’t make newbie mistakes; start your blog on a solid foundation. Here are ten easy steps to start a successful blog. 1. Choose the right niche If you’re in the market to […]..
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Viral Growth; it might sound a little overwhelming, but it’s really not. Essentially, viral growth is the rising success of your blog. Unless you happen to have created an online presence such as Facebook or Twitter, chances are good you are a small-time blogger looking to increase your viral growth. Knowing which marketing methods are […]..
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