Cleanliness: Co-Partner To Blogging Excellence

March 11, 2014 by: 1

If you consider cleanliness and blogging, these two broad subjects might not seem to have a lot in common. There are two aspects one may examine where they cross trails, though. For for brevity’s, let’s consider these:

  • The blogger’s immediate environment

  • Digital cleanliness and blog site design

The blogger’s immediate environment

Although it may not be the usual practice of many bloggers on the Internet, a neat workspace can have a substantial effect on the quality of a blog published on a daily or similarly regular basis. As with Feng-Shui in interior design and decorating, a cluttered, disorganized environment can have a detrimental effect on your ability to keep the creative juices flowing productively.

Stacks of discarded CDs, pencils and paper clips strewn around a pencil cup holder, coffee mug stains on paper supplies and even the keyboard … all of these promote a disorganized, sloppy atmosphere and therefore like-minded production.

Many times, the results are less than impressive and may tend discourage online visitors from coming back to your blog site.

Proper habits lead to an orderly mind

Parents facing the departure of their son or daughter for college are often confronted with the question of how well they actually prepared their child for leaving home. How adept is the student at keeping his or her space organized without overflowing into someone else’s domain?

Much of a youth’s training should no doubt have begun with some basic Housekeeping 101 and following the ground rules as a teenager or even younger. At any rate, a parent’s or student’s endeavors to keep clean and organized can translates into how well either person can blog.

Keeping your keyboard and mouse clean, dusting the monitor or maintaining a lint-free laptop, having handy trash and recycling bins to collect waste … all of these come under the heading of keeping the blogger’s environment clean and unobstructed. And they promote a clear, free flow in his or her mental productivity as well as a more appealingly successful blog.

Digital cleanliness and blog site design

While the above-mentioned issue often has to do with how clean and organized the surrounding exterior environment is, the internal digital environment is likely even more important.

Easy navigation

One essential item is how easy is the blog to navigate. Most people on the Internet are looking for information. Since they’re traveling on the “information highway,” users generally want to get their info in as concise a form as possible and in the least amount of time.

Consequently, all bloggers would do well to keep their blog site as unencumbered and free from obstacles as possible, because along with the actual content, that makes a visitor’s return well worth the trouble.

Fast-turning pages

If there’s an issue with conflicting plug-ins and slow-turning pages, regardless of the browser or connection speed, people will not be pleased. Having fast downloading or page turning is critically important.

In a word, no Internet visitor stays long if the web page or streaming takes too long to display.

The issues mentioned above are some of the primary aspects of blogging cleanliness that need be kept in mind by any eager and success-driven blogger. Otherwise, the product you’ll publish will consist of little more than one big, messy, and unappealing blog.

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    1 Comments on "Cleanliness: Co-Partner To Blogging Excellence"

  1. Paul Davis says:

    This is actually very true. I have encountered quite a few blogs who have had their success marginalised by a poor structure or overload of text with too little other media formats.

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